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19 February, 2017

We have added a couple of photos from the Ontario Power Generation Visitor Centre Archives in Cornwall. Many thanks to Matt Mulvihill for making these pics available. There are two aerials from 1957 - showing early steps in construction of the Morrisburg Shopping Centre and the new Morrisburg Water System. See Then & Now.

18 December, 2017

Plan to attend the MMV Introduction & Local Fundraising Launch planned for 18 January, 2018 at the McIntosh Inn 4pm to 7pm. Please plan to attend and put it in your calendar.   Click Here to see the poster.


11 December, 2017

We have added Pages 7 and 8 to the Historic Documents Gallery - Click Here,
It includes the initial plans for New Town No. 2 (Long Sault) - replacing the lost villages of Moulinette and Mille Roche. We have also added a Page Index -  Click Here

1 December, 2017

We have added Page 6 to the Historic Documents Gallery - Click Here,
It includes the initial plans for New Town No. 1 (Ingleside) - replacing the lost villages of Aultsville, Farrans Point, Dickenson Landing and Wales.

24 November, 2017

We have added 14 picture of Lock 23 & the Rapide Plat Canal before the Seaway - see .

19 November, 2017

We have added Pages 4 & 5 to the Historic Documents Gallery - see , It includes more about the plans for Morrisburg plus the plans for NewTown No. 1 & New Town No. 2 (Ingleside & Long Sault).


16 November, 2017

We have added a 3nd page to the Historic Documents Gallery - see , It includes the initial proposal for the "post flooding" Morrisburg.


13 November, 2017

We have added a 2nd page to the Historic Documents Gallery - see . It includes the initial proposal for the "post flooding" Iroquois.

We have added a new MMV Models Gallery to show some of our early progress making house & building models - Click Here.


12 November, 2017

A good first project team meeting last night - Beer & Pizza at 25 Lakeshore Drive. Great to see most of the team there.

12 Sponsor Applications made to potential major donors - 6 more next week plus any new ones we identify - anyone with ideas send us an email. Click Here to see the Sponsors Package.

Note that based on advice from the Train Modelling Experts (thanks Steve Skerry & Phil Blancher) we have decided to go with a raised Base Pad for our MMV. See  .

We have come up with an exciting new idea to even further enhance the value and the benefits of theMorrisburg Model Village. We are calling it the "MMV Satellite Locations Concept". For more details please Click Here. Comments & suggestions are welcome.


11 November, 2017

We have added a new Gallery of Old Morrisburg Maps - see There are seven maps and images dating from the late 1800s to 1954 (and today).

We have also added to the Lock 23 Divers Views Gallery - see  There are nine pictures which give some excellent views of what the Lock 23 Diving Enthusiasts see. A big thank you to Sylvain Marcotte, a Lock 23 Diver from Montreal, who provided these pics and gave us permission to use them.

4 November, 2017

3 November, 2017

A great writeup in North Country Public Radio Blog - thanks James Morgan.

A good week!  We have sent our Version One Sponsor Package to Ontario Power Gereration (OPG), Hydro One, Bank of Montreal and Telus. More next week. Click Here to see the document.

Good meeting with SD Staff & MWFC Reps - Click Here to see results.

22 October, 2017

A really good first week! We talked to several people about joining the Morrisburg Model Village Project Team and the response was beyond our expectations. Everyone was excited about the project and keen to join the team. See About Us.

We started working on a plan for raising the $200,000 we are targetting. See Sponsors.

17 October, 2017

GREAT NEWS ..... The South Dundas Municipal Council approved the Morrisburg Model Village Proposal and gave us the go full speed ahead signal for this great project!


11 October, 2017

A great meeting tonight with the Morrisburg Waterfront Committee. They approved submitting the Morrisburg Model Village Proposal to the South Dundas Council - hopefully for their approval at their meeting on Tuesday 17 October. To see the full proposal, please Click Here.

7 October, 2017

In the Morrisburg Waterfront Committee meeting on 19 July, 2017, John Gleed presented a proposal to create a “Morrisburg Model Village” of Morrisburg as it was in the 1950s before the St Lawrence Seaway flooding in 1958. The proposal received warm support from the committee and we recommended that the proposal be presented to the South Dundas Council for review and approval.

The presentation was made at the South Dundas Council meeting on 22 August.  We believe the presentation was well received by Council and, subject to finalizing the specific location on the waterfront, appeared to have general support.

The resulting article in the Morrisburg Leader (30 August 2017) and the St Lawrence Piks Facebook Page post (24 August) were very well received by the community, with strong encouragement to go ahead.

We are currently preparing a formal proposal from the Morrisburg Waterfront Committee to the South Dundas Municipal Council to get go ahead approval in principle for this project, subject to the finalization of the specific waterfront location with the South Dundas Municipal staff .